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Christine Moh

Born in Taiwan, ROC

Lived in New York City, USA

Works in Virtual Space, WWW

  • LinkedIn - Black Circle
  • wordpress - black circle
  • Vimeo - Black Circle

2024 - Patent Translator of Jiang Chun Intellectual Properties

2023 - present: Planner & Announcer of "Stories of the Classic                             Songs" unit of the "Good Partners in Education"                               program on National Education Radio

2023 - present: Freelance translator

2023 - Researcher and Author of Taiwan in View

            Commissioned by Asia Video Industry Association

2022 - Researcher of Chinese Society of Communication

2021 - 2022 Leader & Deputy Director of
                      Creative Arts Center, TaiwanPlus

2020 - 2021: Teacher, Multimedia Design Dept, Jinou Girls HS

2018 - 2023: Adjunct Assistant-Professor-Level Specialist,
                       Media Design Dept, Tatung University

2016 - 2017: Senior Designer, CBS News

2005 - 2017: Managing Partner, Artifactuality

2013 - 2015: Creative Producer, Al Jazeera America

2005 - 2013: Graphic Journalist, CBS News

1999 - 2004: Designer & Compositor, MTV Networks

1997 - 1998: Designer, CNBC

1995 - 1997: Sole Proprietor, Absolute Design


2023 MA

National Taiwan University of Arts, School of Communication
Department of Radio and Television

1995  BFA 
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

School of Art

Independent Course Studies


New York University: Short Story Writing

New York University: Starting Your Own Small Business

New School: Commercial Production

Parsons School of Design: Advertising Art Direction

William Paterson University: Social Psychology

Fred Pryor’s Career Track: Management Seminars



Moh, C., Cheng, S., Lai, H. & Chuang, P. (2024). Exploring practitioners’ views on product placement: What can Taiwan learn from the West. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, in press. (SCOPUS)

Moh, C., Cheng, S., Chuang, P. & Lai, H.W. (2023). “To redact or not to redact, that is the question” for crime news images: A comparative study between American and Taiwan’s mainstream media (in review)

Moh, C. (2023). 2023 Taiwan In View. In J. Medieros (Ed.) Asia Video Industry Association. Hong Kong, China.

莫瀞如 (2023)。〈犯罪新聞畫面「馬賽克」之研究:台灣公共電視與美國主流媒體之比較〉臺灣藝術大學廣播電視研究所碩士論文。

Moh, C., Cheng, S., Chuang, P., & Lai, H. (2023, December 15-17). “To redact or not to redact, that is the question” for crime news images: A comparative study between American and Taiwan's mainstream media [Paper presentation]. 2023 IEEE 3rd International  Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management, Taichung, Taiwan.

Moh, C., Cheng, S., Lai, H.W., & Chuang, P. (2023, July 9-13). Exploring practitioners’ views on product placement: What can Taiwan learn from the West [Paper presentation]. International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference 2023, Lyon, France.

莫瀞如、莊伯仲、賴祥蔚 (202211)。〈台美新聞影像「馬賽克」之初探:以案件當事人為例〉,中國文化大學「數位時代的傳播產業發展及新聞傳播教育」學術研討會,台北市。

莫瀞如 (20228)。〈衛星電視廣告法規鬆綁可能性之初探:台美業界人士之觀點〉,中華傳播管理學會2022年「後疫情︑新媒體時代的電視發展與展望」學術研討會,台北市。

Moh, C. (2003). Emoticons: Crying. In J. Keyton (Ed.), Not Teflon: MTV Design & Promos. (pp. 030-031, 188). New York, NY: Universe Publishing. (“非鐵氟龍: MTV 設計與宣傳部作品研討集”是在iPhone手機問世之前, 本人為MTV宣傳部設計的作品“Emoticons”[“表情符號”] 宣傳片系列被選入刊登)




Mandarin Chinese - Fluent LRSW

American English - Proficient LRSW

Visual & Design:


Style guide


Motion graphics

Art direction



Production knowledge

Budget Planning

Staff Training


Adobe Creative Suite

Microsoft Office

Omni Graffle

VizRT Real-time Graphics

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